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Our group coaching offers both technical and tactical help. We base our sessions around your needs as a player in a game situation and listen to your tennis queries.

From those who are New2Tennis, to those in League Teams, we offer a range of coaching to suit all abilities. Rackets are also supplied to borrow or demo.

Several of our adult groups are open to older juniors too!

Children's Tennis Coaching

Rosie Clark Tennis Coaching supports LTA Mini Tennis as a fantastic way of helping young players to develop their game. Softer balls which travel more slowly through the air are used as well as smaller rackets and nets. The most suitable mini tennis level for your child may vary depending on experience.

  • Tots Tennis: Players aged 3-4, fundamentally based on agility, balance, coordination, movement and basic sending and receiving ball skills.
  • Mini Red Tennis: Players aged 4-6, a strong emphasis on ABCs (Agility, Balance & Co-ordination).
  • Mini Orange Tennis: Players aged 7-9, an increased technical and tactical emphasis.
  • Mini Green Tennis: Players aged 10, a full-sized singles court with reduced speed balls.
  • Junior Tennis: Players aged 11+, a full-sized court with full, yellow balls.

Check my child’s age group: LTA age groups

Tennis Coaching Programme – Book Now

To book a tennis coaching course, or remaining sessions of a course if it’s already started, Register or Log-In to your account then click on the sections below to pick your course:

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02dec6:15 pm7:15 pmBanbury TC SEPT-DEC Adult Beginners (adults & teens): Monday6:15-7:15PMBanbury Lawn Tennis Club

02dec7:15 pm8:15 pmBanbury TC SEPT-DEC Adult Improvers (adults & teens): Monday7:15-8:15PMBanbury Lawn Tennis Club

03dec4:00 pm5:00 pmIlmington TC SEPT-DEC Red Beginners/Improvers (ages 4-6): Tuesday4pm-5pmIlmington Tennis Club

03dec5:00 pm6:00 pmIlmington TC SEPT-DEC Orange Beginners/Improvers (ages 7-9): Tuesday5pm-6pmIlmington Tennis Club

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02jan9:00 am12:00 pm4-15 years Bloxham Christmas Holiday Camp 259am-12pmBloxham School

03jan9:00 am12:00 pm4-15 years Bloxham Christmas Holiday Camp 259am-12pmBloxham School

19jan11:45 pm4:15 pmJanuary: Match PlayBanbury Lawn Tennis Club

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